05/10/19 |   Forestry and silviculture

Embrapa invests in technology to bring more productivity into the field

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In order to provide greater agility to rural producers and boost yields, Embrapa has been creating technologies that facilitate planning and decision making. These include the Sis family of software, which is used on a large scale for homogenous planted forests and available for free from the institution’s website. Embrapa Florestas records an average of 200 to 300 downloads per month by companies in Brazil and abroad, as well as a varied audience comprised of students, agronomists, forest and environmental engineers, consultants, researchers, and directors linked to forest-based industry.

According to Edilson Batista de Oliveira, a researcher at Embrapa Florestas, the software is very popular and has a series of applications such as technical and economic assessment, certification, carbon, integrated silvipastoral systems, integrated pest management, sustainable forest management, and forest planning. It also can be used to simulate annual growth and production with and without thinning; it permits simulation for precision forest management.
"Before, no one knew what kind of response a certain type of management would produce. But now, the program provides the wood assortment based on everything that is harvested. Just put in the inventory and management data and the program generates various tables that include the assortment by diameter class," explained Oliveira.

The technology, which is available for a wide variety of species, includes a number of items such as economic analysis, system of production and income, equations for assortment, a video, and the manual and explanations for the software. Management charts according to density were also added, with help from students at the University of Santa Maria. These provide a range showing the maximum and minimum number of trees recommended per stand for thinning, in order to find a management scheme that prioritizes wood for industrial purposes or sawmilling.

Another tool available is SATVeg (the Temporal Analysis of Vegetation System), which is also free and can be used to observe and analyze temporal profiles of vegetative indexes (NDVI and EVI) that express variations in plant biomass on the earth's surface over time, providing support for agricultural and environmental monitoring activities. The indexes produced allow users to observe changes in vegetation, and SATVeg provides support to identify land use and cover, as well how these factors evolve. "These indexes help the government with respect to environmental legislation, for example to monitor reforestation for the new Forest Code," said Vinicius Kuromoto, a technology transfer analyst at Embrapa Informatica Agropecuária.

Kuromoto added that the TerraClass GeoPortal was also created in a partnership with the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and the Ministry of the Environment; this virtual environment organizes information into a series of maps generated by the TerraClass research project in deforested areas of the Amazon biome. With this tool, users can identify and analyze dynamics of land use in the region, providing a quick understanding of the key factors that determine changes in this biome as well as greater clarity to create and implement public policies directed at the region.

"Within the TerraClass GeoPortal, there is a service called Webgis Terraclass, which is a system that allows the user to visualize and manipulate maps from the historical series of the Terraclass project in an interactive, quick, and easy manner."
For planting trees in areas that were formerly pasture, Embrapa partnered with the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) to develop Arbopasto, an application that helps producers choose the most appropriate tree species. The technology provides quick information on 51 tree species that are native to western Amazonia through several functions such as search filters to find species according to their main characteristics. The tool is available on GooglePlay for Android devices, and can also be accessed via the internet by mobile phones, tablets, computers, and even smart TVs using any system. Ana Karina Salman, a researcher at Embrapa Rondônia, says, "Arbopasto is an indispensable tool for technicians and rural producers to plan the introduction of trees into pasture areas using the most appropriate species."

In the field of yerba mate, three applications are available: Planin-Matte, which performs economic analysis for plantations in southern Brazil, Manejo-Matte, which performs diagnostics of planted mate groves and suggests improvements in management, and Ferti-Matte, which incorporates soil analysis data to calculate the macronutrients recommended for each specific plantation. 

According to Ives Goulart, an agronomist at Embrapa in the area of innovation, Planin-Matte is used when the technician or producer goes into the field to analyze the stand in order to answer practical and objective questions about the trees. The application then processes the data and prepares a diagnosis, indicating improvements that the producer can make in the stand. "With these applications for yerba mate, producers can manage their plantations all by themselves, saving time and increasing productivity," he said. 

The list of software available can be found at http://www.cnpf.embrapa.br/software/
Visit SATVeg at https://www.satveg.cnptia.embrapa.br/
Learn more about the TerraClass GeoPortal at https://www.terraclass.gov.br
Learn more about Planin-Matte, Manejo-Matte, and Ferti-Matte at https://www.embrapa.br/en/florestas/transferencia-de-tecnologia/erva-mate/aplicativos
IUFRO 2019 was the first edition of this congress held in Latin America; the event was promoted by Embrapa, the Brazilian Forest Service, and IUFRO.

Maureen Bertol (MTb 8330 / PR)
Embrapa Forestry

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